What’s next for Midwest Shreds
[image description: A photo of a vintage skateboard with text in blue that says “what’s next” below.]
Sometimes I have to laugh at myself.
I naively thought I’d be able to chronicle my skate road trip adventures in real-time, but I failed to account for how many hours there are in a day. And between driving, interviewing, preparing for interviews, taking pictures, editing pictures, doing a word vomit brain dump at the end of the day, eating, sleeping, and of course, SKATING, I just could not post updates too.
But it’s all good! Because I’m back home now, so I’ll be slowly updating this site and the Instagram @midwestshreds with photos and videos from the trip, as well as the other places I’ll be visiting in the coming weeks. So stay tuned!
A lot of folks have been asking when Midwest Shreds the book will be out, so here’s what’s up:
My manuscript is due on October 1st, 2021, which is only 116 days away as of this writing. 😱 It sounds like a lot, but it’ll fly by.
So between now and then I’ll be:
transcribing 20+ hours of interviews from the people I talked to for the book.
writing another 30,000 to 40,000 words.
trying not to suck. 😝
And I have to do all that while still doing freelance work to pay my bills in the meantime. No pressure! 😅
Once I turn in the manuscript, it’ll be about a year before the book is edited, printed, and out into the world. So in the meantime, I’ll be sharing photos, videos, and other things that are cool but didn’t make it into the book for one reason or another.
So that’s the timeline! To be sure you don’t miss a thing, sign up for email updates at the bottom of the website. I can’t wait to share more with you soon!